Friday, May 22, 2009

Emma's Kindergarten Graduation

It's official, Emma had graduated from Kindergarten!! I can't believe that the school year is over. It does go faster now that I'm the parent and not the one going to school. It was a fun program where the kids said a poem and then got to come up to get their diploma. Here's some pictures!

They had 2 other school events going on today, so the kindergartners got to graduate outside of their classroom. It's how they get to recess. It was nice to have enough room for everyone, but a little hot.

Emma is walking in along with her class.

Emma's teacher, Mrs. Detterbeck.

Emma going up to get her diploma.

Emma getting her diploma from the other kindergarten teacher, Mrs. May.

Emma and Mrs. Detterbeck.

And now, a collection of how many pictures do you need to take to get a cute one of a real smile.

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