Saturday, May 10, 2008

More From the Quilt Show

I always try to find a chicken something for Allie, because she doesn't like them. This one was actually quite amazing. Lots of time and effort went into this chicken.

This is the book I bought, and am going to try the one that is on the front.

Here are a few quilts that I liked.

In the parking lot, there was a Mommy Bird, I believe technically known as a Killdeer. They live in our yard in Oklahoma. It made me feel at home to hear her and watch her run with her little stick legs. I couldn't get really close for a good picture, so hopefully you can see her.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

i'm getting tired of looking at this rooster so you better do something quick! just kidding, i need to update mine too, but it is getting to be a pain! Happy Birthday to Emma!